Le new technologies and field studies have allowed us to create new solutions to create a stabilizer for dirt roads of the highest level and with excellent performance. In fact, stabilized earth is an eco-sustainable and modern solution for creating floors that are in perfect harmony with the surrounding environment, walkable and drivable.
The best stabilizer for dirt roads
Talking about stabilized land what are we referring to? A dirt road with this stabilizer is characterized by a highly draining and aesthetically beautiful surface.
An increasingly popular solution that is based on sustainable technologies, perfect for transforming land into an area with roads solid, beautiful and functional. In fact, the materials and binders chosen are mixed with the soil in situ, giving rise to a non-invasive and absolutely improving intervention.
Stabilized earth is equipped with high mechanical resistanceFurthermore, it is draining, recyclable and compact. Best suited for environments where it is necessary to have high performance, but also respect for the environment. This choice has no holes and does not cause the creation of dust or mud following atmospheric events. It is resistant and aesthetically pleasing, also thanks to colors that are in harmony with Nature.
The advantages of dirt road stabilizer
Stabilized earth has many advantages including high economic savings. In fact, to design a stabilized earth flooring you do not need to make large investments. Eco-sustainability, low cost and speed, Precisely for this reason, they have made stabilized earth the solution of the future for creating roads.
The Terra Solida® Italia stabilizer for dirt roads, in addition to being eco-compatible, does not cause an alteration of the composition of the soil and aquifer as happens with concrete and asphalt. It offers maximum solidity and stability and is excellent for many compensation interventions or urban regeneration.
The Nature Stabil Road line by Terra Solida®
Nature Stabil Road products allow you to create permeable pavements with a limited thickness. The road can be used immediately, resists wear, does not generate dust or mud, prevents potholes and fits well into the context. The flooring created with Nature Stabil Road is 100% recyclable, with a natural color, thanks to the use of local aggregates. To best discover the composition of the products and the advice for use of all Terra Solida® products for dirt roads, visit the page www.terrasolida.it/nature.
Good morning
I would like to know if special authorizations are necessary, for example from a landscape point of view in the case of roads leading to hilly villages (Tuscany)
thank you
Good morning Maurizio and thank you for asking us if special authorizations are necessary in the case of roads leading to hillside villages. For the renovation of existing roads or the construction of new routes in areas subject to hydrogeological, landscape, etc. constraints. etc. it is necessary to draw up a project by qualified technicians. The appointment of a works manager is also required, who can be the designer himself, to verify the conformity of the work to what was designed
We have 350 meters of white road 4 meters wide with a good base of 20 cm of gravel collected in so-called non-woven fabric) with a top layer of classic fine stabilized. The road, which is flat except for 20 meters of uphill, leads to a dog kennel that provides a public service; unfortunately it has no lateral slope, so when it rains the water does not drain into the adjacent ditch and with the passage of cars, holes form from the puddles that become very annoying when driving. Does your product eliminate the formation of holes? Is it a solid and compact layer that cannot be modified by car tires?
Thank you President Fanton for asking us about the formation of potholes and traffic wear of roads and pavements made with our technologies. In fact, it is precisely potholes and ornaments that we are going to eliminate with a correct execution of the draining pavement, considering the intended use. Write to us at: info@terrasolida.it indicating the Province from which you are contacting us and you will receive the contact of our reference official to answer your questions in more detail, have a good evening