5 ways environmental sustainability has entered our lives

environmental sustainability: sustainable practices

5 ways environmental sustainability has entered our lives

The individual action may seem small, but when millions of people start making more sustainable choices in their daily lives, the planet says thanks.

La sustainability has become a central theme in public debate in recent years, marking a significant transformation in our lives. What was once a concern of a few is now one imperative necessity. Why? The answer is simple: the effects ofenvironmental pollution and climate changes they are undeniable. It has become essential to adopt conscious choices that respect the ecosystem and are aimed at minimize the impact on the environment. It is no longer a choice, but a responsibility that we must embrace to ensure a better future for our planet

Environmental sustainability adopts a holistic approach to the management of resources and the environment, which takes into account the interconnections between the environment, the economy and society. The ultimate goal is to ensure a sustainable future for present and future generations, promoting a lifestyle and production that have less impact on the environment.

Eco-friendly natural flooring with stabilized earthy inert
Creation of eco-friendly natural paving with inert earthy pedestrian paths Santacittarama (Buddhist monastery)

The pillars of environmental sustainability

In the 2022 i climate changes they were in first place among the environmental concerns of Italians, followed closely by air pollution, a sign that awareness among the population on environmental issuesI grew up. It should therefore come as no surprise that some eco-friendly trends have rightfully entered the daily lives of many citizens. Here are some:

  • Sustainable mobility: the transport sector, responsible of around a quarter of total CO2 emissions in Europe, is witnessing a significant change. More and more citizens are embracing it ecological alternatives for travel, such as the use of public transport, bicycles (also thanks to the increase in cycle and pedestrian paths) and of electric vehicles (in May, the European market recorded an increase in 18%). Also there sharing of transportation, such as car sharing is also a growing trend.
  • Conscious consumption: Consumers are clamoring for products made from materials sustainable, recyclable or biodegradable, be it clothing, cosmetics or household products. There transparency has become a fundamental requirement, with requests for clear information on companies' sustainable practices, the origin of materials and the provenance of products. Preference goes to products without unnecessary packaging, particularly those made of plastic, and which embrace the principles of the circular economy, promoting reuse, recycling and repair.
  • Supply: responsible management of food resources, such as the consumption of local, seasonal and organic food, is becoming a priority for many Italians, who are also willing to spend more for environmentally friendly products. The reduction of waste food and the choice of alow environmental impact food, like plant-based diets, are becoming increasingly popular.
  • XNUMX% renewable: the interest inrenewable energy domestically and is not constantly growing among Italians. More and more families and businesses are considering the possibility of installing solar panels and join 'green' energy plans, also thanks to the numerous incentives offered at national level. In September, the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy allocated 300 million euro to support the energy transition of businesses, focusing efforts on clean energy and energy efficiency.
  • Building: the face of construction is also changing. Designs that incorporate sustainable practices and materials are gaining traction. The passive houses, with a high level of energy efficiency, and buildings designed to minimize waste are becoming the norm. These efforts not only reduce energy consumption and emissions, but also long-term costs for the owners. The transformation is also reflected in roads and infrastructure, Where cutting-edge technologies and recyclable materials that combine performance and sustainability can make a significant difference to the health of our planet.

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