Interventions NATURE TRAILS

Terra Solida has always studied zero impact solutions for nature trails, respecting Nature and man

To walk surrounded by nature, carrying out activities along the paths, but respect - both children and adults - the beauty of the landscape. A big bet that can be won today more than ever. In the past, people traveled along the paths – on foot, on horseback or on the back of a mule – facing a real adventure.

Today that magic is repeated and the trail shows all its strength. In fact, it represents a fundamental tool for knowing and discovering the area, moving slowly to admire everything around. It is therefore something wonderful to live an extraordinary and unique experience.

The magic of nature trails

Nature, beauty, slow rhythms: nature trails are a very precious resource that must be preserved. The goal to maintain their value? Keeping its state intact, making it possible to travel through the areas, but without too strong an environmental impact. All this while respecting the wilderness principle, which does not mean wild nature, but rather a natural place in which to immerse yourself in a brand new dimension.

Respect, recovery and care of nature trails is essential and has a cultural, economic, but also emotional significance. In fact, these places allow you to create a connection between people and the territory, which is why they must be preserved and cared for in the best possible way. The verb “to walk” It thus becomes something extraordinary that involves parks, green areas and nature trails where families, adults and children, are welcomed to discover the beauty of Nature.

Solid Earth for eco-sustainable mobility

Nature calls and Terra Solida answers! There strength of a company we discover ourselves in the face of challenges. Among the most important is that of enhancing nature trails in green areas and parks, making them usable, without however betraying their beauty and extraordinary nature.

To do this, Terra Solida has decided to focus on some important principles: the eco-compatibility of the materials used to create the paths, the choice of textures and colors that are in accordance with the site, mechanical characteristics capable of guaranteeing a durability of the route. Not only that: the solutions created also guarantee excellent permeability, to ensure maximum usability of the routes, even in the face of adverse weather conditions, guaranteeing the absence of puddles and stagnations.

Stabilized earth represents an advanced and eco-sustainable solution for creating different types of flooring. The eco-friendly stabilizers and binders of Terra Solida allow us to design avenues and roads capable of lasting over time, with high permeability and low impact.

The use of recycled materials and those already available in situ makes the stabilized earth a 0 impact solution. The absence of chemical catalysts allows the composition of the soil or the aquifers underneath to not be altered in any way. A unique and wonderful way to best respect the philosophy of nature trails and to allow visitors to fully experience the spirit of walking and sport immersed in Nature.

Case History

Eco-friendly paving for cycle paths

Creation of eco-friendly paving in stabilized granular mix on the Fenestrelle - Pinerolo (TO) road cycle path


Eco-friendly mixed granular flooring

Creation of eco-friendly flooring in stabilized granular mix for driveway road Caneva World amusement park - [...]

Eco-friendly natural flooring

Creation of eco-friendly natural flooring in stabilized granular mix Quintino Park – Bergamo.

Eco-friendly routes in granular mix

Creation of eco-friendly flooring in stabilized granular mix for restaurant paths Vignamare - Andora (SV)

Eco-friendly natural flooring with stabilized earthy inert

Creation of eco-friendly natural paving with earthy aggregate Waterfront Montepaone Lido (CZ).


Eco-friendly cycle/pedestrian path

Creation of eco-friendly mixed granular stabilized cycle and pedestrian paving along the Tiber river - Ponte San [...]

Eco-friendly drainage flooring with single-granular aggregate

Creation of eco-friendly draining paving with single-granular aggregate for a car park in the municipality of Cavolano (PN)


Eco-friendly cycle/pedestrian path

Creation of eco-friendly flooring in stabilized granular mix for cycle and pedestrian path Pieve della Mitra - Nave [...]