Il laboratory it is the beating heart of the company, it is the place where that magic happens that transforms an idea into a product, where space is given to curiosity, where the future is challenged to give shape and concreteness to the present.
The control of production processes through an internal laboratory produces the enormous advantage of optimizing production times while maintaining control of the supply chain in qualitative terms in all phases of the development processes. This is one of the reasons why it was decided from the beginning to create an internal laboratory which was given the task of also providing for the R&D and Process Control making the company independent in all those research and development actions of new technologies and innovative products that are the trademark of Terra Solida Italia.
Having an internal laboratory for analysis, research and control of production processes means in short:
Given the great variability of aggregates and aggregates that can be used with Terra Solida systems, linked to the geological complexity of our country, but also to their aesthetic and functional value, within each project the laboratory preliminarily checks the suitability of the materials to be effectively used in flooring, through characterization of the identified aggregates , resistance measurement obtainable from them in experimental mixtures.
The optimization of the water content (and the water/binder ratio) of the mixture and the necessary dosage of binder is thus achieved, comparing the results obtained from the tests with the reference values adopted and proven by Terra Solida's experience.
During the execution phase of the construction site we provide, upon request, consultancy for verifying the correspondence of the mixture packaged with the mix previously qualified in the Terra Solida geotechnical laboratory.
This activity is carried out by our qualified technicians, professional geologists specialized in the geotechnical sector, with our Lab in Site mobile laboratory and involves the packaging of cubic or cylindrical specimens, depending on the type of material and the reference standard, for the comparison of the mechanical performances in situ with those of the project and preliminarily qualified.
The research and development activity is carried out with an approach that we like to define "dynamic", in fact, despite being concretely based on a pragmatic and constant technical and regulatory updating, is strongly oriented towards careful research into new materials and the study of their use through innovative methods. This is how we manage to get continuous improvement of technology. This, combined with an important series of tests carried out on the countless works carried out over the years, is our know-how.
To achieve the important performances that characterize our products we have chosen to use the highest quality raw materials and to produce just in time to deliver a product that is always "fresh from production".
Quality check. Our technicians carry out constant laboratory tests on all the raw materials purchased and used and carry out random checks on each production batch for the different production processes.