For slow and eco-sustainable mobility, Terra Solida has already thought of innovative, effective and environmentally friendly solutions

It was the eighties and nineties of the last century when, for the very first time, we started talking about slow and eco-sustainable mobility, but above all of the need for future generations to experience the planet differently.

Slow and sustainable mobility protects the environment, but also society and the way of life of people in contact with Nature. 

Among the main ways to reduce pollution, locomotion on foot, on wheels or wheels, represents a revolution to reduce energy consumption, protect public spaces and health.

The advantages involve people, society as a whole, the environment and the economy, this is because slow mobility triggers a positive mechanism that leads towards a ecological transition which, now more than ever, is urgent.

Slow and eco-sustainable mobility, an urgent choice

Moving in a sustainable way is increasingly urgent in order to reduce and combat global warming and pollution. In Italy, according to some data, road transport contributes 23% to greenhouse gas emissions, 10% to particulate emissions and 40% to nitrogen oxide emissions.

These numbers are enough to understand how essential it is to aim for alternative mobility, using means that allow emissions to be reduced. We must not forget that this type of mobility can impact the quality and value of life. Riding a bicycle, on cycle paths, walking and using zero impact vehicles helps improve your health. Walking and cycling is an intelligent choice, healthy and extraordinary, both for themselves and for the environment.

Solid Earth for eco-sustainable mobility

Terra Solida knows the value and strength of eco-sustainable and slow mobility, which is why for years it has been committed to finding materials and solutions capable of providing not only very high performance, but also of fitting into the environment as best as possible. Unique properties and innovative ideas have always been the basis of the technologies developed by this company on the side of Nature.

We are talking about a material capable of guaranteeing solidity and longevity, with very low production and management costs. The result is a durable and versatile covering, also extraordinary from an aesthetic point of view.

This material allows you to create high-performance cycle paths, but above all beautiful to experience and look at. In fact, the covering is designed using grit of various materials and sizes: a truly ingenious solution!

Not only that, Terra Solida has also thought of slow mobility to stabilized earth. A solution for eco-sustainable and modern cycle paths. The floors designed are high-performance, in total harmony with the context. The surface is draining, aesthetically splendid and free from spontaneous vegetation. A great idea to turn a piece of land into a solid road in no time.

The binders and materials mix with the soil in situ, allowing an optimal intervention which is not invasive, but perfect for Nature and ameliorative. The colors are harmonious and natural, with the prevention of potholes, dust or mud, to fully enjoy the possibility of riding on two wheels.

Case History

Eco-friendly cycle/pedestrian path

Creation of eco-friendly mixed granular stabilized cycle and pedestrian paving along the Tiber river - Ponte San [...]

Redevelopment of nature trail

Towpath Della Muzza in Cassano D'Adda (MI): creation of eco-friendly paving in stabilized granular mix

Permeable stabilized earth paving

Creation of eco-friendly cycle-pedestrian paving in stabilized earth at the Gentile Park in Bari


Eco-friendly natural flooring with stabilized granular mix

Creation of eco-friendly natural flooring with stabilized granular mix Portus Lunae Luni Mare


Eco-friendly natural flooring with stabilized granular mix

Creation of eco-friendly natural flooring with stabilized granular minister along the Massarosa lotus flower path.

Eco-friendly mixed granular flooring

Rowing club in Casale Monferrato (AL): creation of eco-friendly flooring in stabilized granular mix

Eco-friendly natural cycle/pedestrian paving with stabilized earthy aggregate

Creation of eco-friendly natural paving with inert earthy cycle/pedestrian path in Perugia