A company is not a world unto itself, it needs to communicate with the outside to convey its ambitions, its successes, its actions and Terra Solida is no different.
Our corporate mission or "statement" is the projection of the long-term objectives that Terra Solida is committed to achieving, is consistent with its values and the brand message by acting as an incentive and at the same time is a realistic and concrete objective. The mission acts in the present despite being timeless, it is the operational guide of Terra Solida in the immediate future and expresses the imagination of more or less distant future scenarios based on the company name that is the basis of the entrepreneurial project.
We therefore communicate because we exist and we exist because we communicate. There is no business today, whether small or large, that does not communicate with the world around it. Our mission is therefore also the main directive with which it helps us to communicate to our customers, our suppliers, our employees and all those who in one way or another, directly or indirectly come into contact with us, those who they are our aspirations, our intentions and our business objectives.
Redesign of the new company logo based on new needs and new corporate communication and branding actions. The logo contains in its monogram and its pay off all the distinctive elements of the company both in terms of what it produces and how it behaves.
Learn MorePromotec Srl, through the Terra Solida brand, wanted to give clarity through a company brochure to the company's objectives according to its own model and its own vision of the world and making distinguishable beyond any possibility of doubt what its company mission is according to a modern, sustainable and scalable approach over time.
Download brochureTerra Solida never stops with its communication towards the public, customers, sector operators and anyone interested in approaching the world of construction and the specific one where Terra Solida operates
Terra Solida's relationship activity with its public is also focused on the physical presence in the area through conferences and events organized directly or where Terra Solida participates as a speaker thanks to its experience and expertise acquired over the years.