Conference “Slow progress: cycle roads between planning and sustainability”

Conference “Slow progress: cycle paths between planning and sustainability”.

Solid Earth will be present at ecomondo, the green technology expo, participating in the conference “Slow progress. The cycle path between planning and sustainability"
In fact, soft mobility is of growing importance in urban spaces and in the connection between these and open areas. In urban planning, attention to the inclusion of cycle-pedestrian paths is now a constant and the desire to use open spaces in safety is an increasingly requested necessity and their correct implementation requires planning, design professionalism, innovation, maintenance commitment and also communication skills. In a global scenario that requires that every intervention combine economic and environmental sustainability, soft mobility can become a real opportunity for the territory and its economy.

Ecomondo – Tulip Room (Hall B6)
Fiera di Rimini
Via Emilia, 155
47921 Rimini
Friday 8 November 2019
Starts at 09: 30 at 13: 00