Our public contributions

Our public contributions

Promotec Srl has benefited from public contributions for which publication is mandatory, out of respect for the institutions, for fairness and for our desire to always communicate with pride and maximum transparency what is happening around us as a company.

In particular, for the 2021 financial year the public contributions that Promotec Srl has contributed to are:

 Supplying authority Description Collection date Price
 Unioncamere Contribution to community and international trademark registration 07/04/2021 1.800,00 Euros

It should be noted that the company benefited during the financial year from state aid which was published in the "National Register of State Aid" indicated in the transparency section to which reference is made.

In particular, for the 2020 financial year the public contributions that Promotec Srl has contributed to are:

 Supplying authority Description Collection date Price
 Inland Revenue Covid19: Non-repayable contribution art. 25 DL 34/2020 14/07/2020 6.900,00 Euros
 Inland Revenue Covid19: Rental Bonus 1.440,00 Euros
 Inland Revenue Covid19: Rebate for the 2020 IRAP advance payment 690,00 Euros
 Inland Revenue 2019 Research and Development Bonus compensated in 2020 63.847,00 Euros