Bio-health parks, what they are and how they work

biohealth parks: physical activity

Bio-health parks, what they are and how they work

A new idea of ​​a park for the elderly but not only: bio-healthy parks combine the benefits of outdoor activity with social and cognitive stimuli.

In today's fast-paced world, where technology seems to have taken over, it is easy for older people feeling completely alone. People's well-being and happiness cannot only be measured in physical terms, but also and above all through mental health and social interaction. And this is where the “biohealth parks“, a new and innovative idea of ​​outdoor spaces designed to promote not only physical exercise, but also the cognitive development and sociality, especially among the elderly population.

In these parks visitors can walk and exercise, but also engage in activities that stimulate the mind. Games specially designed to train memory, concentration and cognitive skills are scattered along the routes, offering an experience of 360 degree well-being. This not only helps keep your mind active, but can also help delay cognitive decline associated with aging.

But it's not just the brain that benefits from these parks. Outdoor spaces offer the perfect opportunity for socialize. Leaving the house and walking along these paths improves physical health and opens the doors to human connections. You can meet people of all ages, share stories, experiences and form bonds that can have a significant impact on emotional well-being of elderly and non-elderly people.

The city of was the forerunner for this new trend Bilbao, in Spain. Here, the Department of Health and Consumer Affairs of the city's City Council launched a program to promote physical activity through specially designed parks which house outdoor gymnastics equipment and games for cognitive stimulation. The initiative aims to encourage one active lifestyle, reduce the loneliness of elderly people and make the most of outdoor resources.

And in Italy? TO Vibo Valentia, FederAnziani had launched an appeal during the COVID-19 pandemic for a therapeutic garden in the city, with the aim of combating social isolation.

biohealth parks: cognitive games
Training body and mind is the secret of active aging (Photo: Envato)

The characteristics of biohealth parks

The secret ingredients behind the success of bio-health parks lie in the details. The care and attention dedicated to their design and construction are in fact what distinguishes them from conventional outdoor spaces. One of the most essential aspects is the use of high quality materials, which guarantee durability but also the safety users.

La flooring of these parks deserves special attention. Surfaces must be designed to be draining, robust and non-slip, reducing the risk of accidents and ensuring a safe environment for the elderly. In short, the flooring must be designed to adapt to different activities, from simple walking to active play, without compromising comfort.

Tools must also be designed taking into account specific needs of older people, encouraging movement without forcing them to overexert themselves. It is precisely the approach that respects the physicality of users that is one of the ingredients of the success of bio-health parks.

These parks are much more than simple outdoor spaces: represent a investment in active aging and in the overall health of older people, demonstrating that attention to detail can make the difference in improving health quality of life in a tangible way. In a world where our tomorrow is shaped by the experiences of the past, the protection and support of the elderly population is not just an act of gratitude. They are an investment for a future that it brings with it wisdom, sharing and collective well-being. 

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