Nature paths respecting the environment

Nature paths respecting the environment

On the occasion of the 66th edition of Modern house, the Federation of Architects of FVG and Energie Condivise are organizing the conference: WOOD RESOURCE: FROM ADVERSITY TO OPPORTUNITY

A year ago, the most destructive disaster to affect Italian forests, the Vaia storm, razed thousands of cubic meters of wood to the ground in Friuli, in the provinces of Trento and Bolzano and in Veneto.
The conference takes inspiration from this destructive event to analyze the forest management of Friuli Venezia Giulia, the importance of the certification of wood used in construction and furniture and the relevance of the solidarity supply chain, to understand whether we can start again from this serious situation with new impetus and make the management of our forests even more productive, both in terms of the use of wood and their sustainable tourist use.

Solid Earth will describe the current possibilities that environmentally friendly products and technologies free from asphalt and bitumen offer in the creation of routes in nature respecting the environment, 100% recyclable characterized by a natural appearance that does not alter or contrast with the surrounding environment and the important hydrogeological balances that would otherwise be compromised.

Udine Fairs
Torreano Exhibition Center in Martinacco
Conference Room (south entrance – first floor)
Friday October 11 2019
From 14pm to 45pm