Terra Solida: product research and development project "product certification for sustainable development and better market positioning"

Terra Solida: product research and development project "product certification for sustainable development and better market positioning"

The project involves an initial analysis of the reference market and the type of certification most appropriate for valorising the product, followed by the comparative calculation of the environmental performances and the related certification by an accredited third party body.

Develop a sustainable path for better positioning of the company in the reference market.

Understand in detail the environmental impact of the individual components of your production chain along the life cycle and acquire an LCA study certifiable by a third party.

The project benefits from the contribution made available by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region through the “POR FESR 2014-2020 Axis 1 Strengthening research, technological development and innovation” tender. Action 1.1 Support for the purchase of services and for the technological, strategic, organizational and commercial innovation of companies. Activity 1.1.A Acquisition of services through Vouchers” Announcement DGR 1291 of 7 July 2017. The contribution is equivalent to 50% of the eligible expenditure reported.

